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Cian Woodsend BSc

PhD Student

The newest member of the team, Cian started his PhD in 2022 after graduating in Biomedical Science from the University of Strathclyde earlier that year. His choice in PhD was, in no small part, down to his 4th year project where he conducted data analysis on the signalling pathways of endothelial cells under the supervision of Calum Wilson. This ignited an interest in the functions of the endothelium and, more widely, the underlying causes of cardiovascular disease. So, when a PhD position opened in the McCarron group, Cian took it. As of now, Cian is getting used to the goings on of the lab; the techniques and procedures used, and hasn’t currently selected a specific direction for his thesis.


In his spare time Cian is a keen bagpipe player, taking every opportunity to make noise, much to the annoyance of half population of Glasgow. When he is not doing that, he tends to find himself either in the swimming pool or in a field somewhere camping in Scotland, either way, completely drenched.

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