Prof. John McCarron likes mountains, and lies about mountains (it'll be fun he said), and likes going up mountains. He loves hills that much he's almost over one...Prof. John McCarron likes mountains, and lies about mountains (it'll be fun he said), and likes going up mountains. Prof. John McCarron likes mountains, and lies about mountains (it'll be fun he said), and likes going up mountains. Prof. John McCarron likes mountains, and lies about mountains (it'll be fun he said), and likes going up mountains. Prof. John McCarron likes mountains, and lies about mountains (it'll be fun he said), and likes going up mountains. Prof. John McCarron likes mountains, and lies about mountains (it'll be fun he said), and likes going up mountains. Prof. John McCarron likes mountains, and lies about mountains (it'll be fun he said), and likes going up mountains.
In his spare time, John likes going up mountains.

Figure 1 – Selective loading of endothelial and smooth muscle cells in the vascular wall.
A) Images showing an artery in which the endothelium was preferentially labelled with Cal-520/AM (30 minutes, 37oC) before (+ Endothelium) and after (- Endothelium) removal of the endothelial cell layer using a human hair. Scale bars = 100 µm.
B) Fluorescence images showing endothelial (green) and smooth muscle (red) cell layers in an artery visualized after prolonged (60 minutes, 37oC) incubation with Fluo-4/AM (10 µM). Prolonged loading results in indicator in the smooth muscle as well as endothelium, confocal microscopy can be used to selectively image either layer. Scale bar = 20 µm.